Who we are

My name is Robert B. Eddleman. I am an attorney practicing in Carrollton, Georgia. My office is located at 206 Tanner Street, Carrollton, just beside the Carroll County Courthouse. Parking is available both at my office and across the street at the Courthouse parking deck. Please feel free to call if you need directions. 

I am a Criminal Defense Attorney who also handles Divorce, Family Law, Child Support Issues, Personal Injury, Auto Accidents and Bankruptcy. I offer free consultations, scheduled at your convenience, should you have any questions about any of these issues. 

I have had an established firm in Carrollton for nearly 20 years. My family is from Carroll County, and I have resided in Carroll County my entire life. As an example of my firm’s results, in the past year, the Lord has allowed us to receive not guilty jury verdicts for a clients facing life sentences, for clients charged with DUI, and for clients charged with other crimes which include kidnapping, aggravated battery, rape and molestation.  While not all cases go to a jury trial, having an attorney willing to try your case is imperative in any defense.  Let us worry about your case so you don’t have to.  

At my office, we have a friendly, down-home atmosphere where you will be treated with courtesy and respect by my staff and me. My office offers a comfortable environment allowing your children to be present should you need to bring them with you for an appointment. 

If you have a legal need in any of the areas that I practice, please feel free to contact me for a free, no pressure consultation, scheduled at your convenience.


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